Mythic Hippo Photography

By Jenny Grewal


Next year’s tour runs from 16th – 31st January 2025 – you can find full itinerary details here, and to book e-mail me at

Some of the best photography opportunities in Honduras are the hummingbirds (or emeralds, violet ears, sabrewings, brilliants and so on!). Hummingbird feeders at all the lodges provide excellent opportunities to sit and photograph hummingbirds, allowing you to observe the behaviour of each hummingbird, and plan your shots accordingly. There are also plenty of opportunities to walk the trails around the lodges, and take a more opportunistic approach, photographing whatever turns up! Charismatic ant pittas, beautifully coloured toucans and industrious woodpeckers are just a few of the other birds that might present themselves to be photographed.

The huge variety of brightly coloured insects and plants throughout Honduras provides ample opportunity to indulge in macro photography – although this is very different from bird photography, I find it equally rewarding.

William, our bird guide, is also an excellent photographer, so understands what conditions are needed to get great photos! Between us, we can get you where you need to be to get the shots you want, and help you perfect your technique and composition to make them as great as they can be. The tropical light in Honduras makes for some stunning images, whether it’s direct sunlight on pristine feathers, or soft green light filtered through the rainforest canopy, and we can help you use the light to best advantage.